Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lesson #1: Car-horns Should be Seen and Not Heard

I will begin with a question: when is it appropriate to honk your car-horn? Answer: Never! Ok...there are maybe two scenarios in which it is acceptable (if someone is moving into your lane and is going to crash into you, or if they take more than ten seconds to respond to a green light), but in general it should remain silent.

But what if someone cuts you off? Slow down or change lanes.

But what if someone is driving a little crazy? Be careful.

But what if the light turns green and the person in front of you doesn't move for .08 seconds? WAIT PATIENTLY! They will notice the green light in under five seconds - guaranteed. If they take more than ten seconds to respond to the green light, then it is acceptable to politely tap the horn so as to direct their attention upward.

A story my mother told me: There once was a man whose son had just died in a car crash. Naturally, he had a lot on his mind, and so he didn't notice the left-turn arrow become green. The person behind him honked their horn in a very rude manner, he quickly realized why and proceeded forward. The driver behind that man had no way of knowing what that man was going through, but that is exactly the point.

We have no way of knowing what the other drivers on the road are dealing with. "Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." So what if someone makes a mistake that causes you to have to slow down? Is it really imperative that you arrive at your destination 3 seconds sooner? If you're in that much of a rush, then the fault lies with you, not the other driver.

Bottom line - honking your horn is rude. It doesn't solve the problem, it just makes people angry. I doubt that any driver out there is driving like a moron just to be annoying, so try thinking about the other person before you go publicly criticizing them in a loud and embarrassing way.

The next time you find yourself flaring up because someone cut you off or is going too slow or whatever else, think to yourself: "In the course of a lifetime, what does it matter?" (Walk Two Moons). You are going to arrive at your destination in a timely manner whether you honk your horn or not. So why not take the high road instead of being rude, because the horn solves nothing.

"I have wept in the night for the shortness of sight
that to somebody's need made me blind;
But I never have yet felt a tinge of regret
for being a little too kind"

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie. You would hate Brasil.Car honking is like an official language. They do it for everything! Literally everything. And the worse part is that there are different sounds that the horns make. Some of them have this undulating high pitched horn that a clown would use. So annoying!
